Friday, July 31, 2009

Stating the Obvious . . .

Former GOP Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia hits the proverbial nail on the head in discussing the core reasons behind the conservative movement's spectacular downfall. In doing so he inadvertently also explains why conservatives despise robust and equitable public education so much.

"Politics has been defined by culture over the last few cycles, and we've become a rural party and a Southern party. We've been losing inner suburbs and the like. A lot of this was the policies of the Bush administration."

Davis goes on to state:

"The high education areas Obama carried - 78 of the 100 counties with the highest education. McCain carried 88 of the 100 counties with the lowest education. As we move to cultural politics, that's been the shift."



Anonymous said...

You are obviously a really screwed up person. You are so far left you can't even see what's right.

I enjoy your maps online but you can shove your opinions up your ass.


krazeeinjun said...

Hi big Mike - lol.

I know -- it hurts to hear the truth. You know -- it really is a shame that the current version of conservatism is slowly going down the shit-hole of history. Mmm -- now that I've had 2 seconds to think about that statement -- actually no -- it's not a shame. It's fucking glorious.

krazeeinjun said...

Oh, big Mike -- and not to put too fine a point on it -- but I have seen the right. I've been voting since 1980, the year I joined the military. I have watched what the right has done to this country during that span of time and it sickens me. And obviously 8 million Americans, Obama's margin of victory in the election, tended to agree with my assessment. Am I of the belief Obama is some sort of savior who's going to wave a magic wand and overnite turn America into one ginormous version of Disneyland and the Happiest Place on Earth? No. But I tell you this much, he will, at very least, certainly begin the necessary process of cleaning up the shattered mess left by Bush and Republicans from the past 8 years and begin putting this country back on the proper path of peace and prosperity. So you can keep on worshiping the Bush/Cheney/GOP clown show all you want -- the rest of us sane people have boarded the train to a better future and the right wing clowns are going to be left standing alone at the side of the tracks watching that train leave the station and themselves in the dust.