Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The end result of falling out of the stoopid tree and hitting every stoopid branch on the way down . . .

"ALL taxation is theft." Brilliant! Why didn't anyone think of that before?

Hey Einstein, if you truly and sincerely believe that ALL taxation is theft then I have a proposition for you.

1. No more driving for you on public roads built and maintained with taxpayer money.

2. Forget about flying out of airports funded and maintained by taxpayer dollars too.

3. What's that? Somebody robbed your home? Don't you dare call the taxpayer funded 911 or local police to investigate.

4. House on fire? Don't even think about calling the tax-payer funded fire department to save your sorry ass home - - that's what your garden hose is for.

5. Sewer outlet in front of your home overflowing? Don't call the city department of water and sanitation to fix it -- they exist because of tax dollars too.

6. Say what? Can't afford to send your kid to an expensive private school? Don't even think about enrolling him in a taxpayer funded public school system. You can home-school his ass yourself.

7. Thinking of taking your family to the Grand Canyon or Yosemite or even a state park for vacation? Fuck you. Taxpayer funded. You choose not to contribute to those public services so just stay the fuck home and camp out in your back yard!

8. Your frail elderly mom is on Medicare? You don't say! Bullshit! Yank her access, send her to live with you and your wife and you can be her primary care giver until the day she dies!

Should I keep going? I'm only about a fifth of the way through my list... I'm so sick of these fucking people. Really.

At some point the last, small faction of actual sane Republicans is going to come to the sad realization that their political party is no longer the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater. And I've been saying this for years now -- the GOP is now the party of religious nuts, paranoid gun-goons, birthers, death panelers, flat tax, flat earth, sun revolves around the earth, humans rode dinosaurs like horses, fucking loons and Sarah Palin supporters.

If you sane Repubs have any shred of self respect and intellectual integrity left, you'd be doing yourselves and America a truly patriotic service by detaching your affiliation and support from the death spiral that is the current GOP and joining us sensible folk in getting on with the serious and necessary business of putting America back on the path to peace and prosperity. I dare you. I triple-dog dare you.

And lastly -- as far as showing up at a health care town hall meeting and strutting around with a loaded AR-15 assault rifle and pistol - any attempt to portray that buffoonish, immature behavior as anything other than small penis syndrome and thuggish intimidation needs to be responded to with the sarcastic derision it richly deserves (not to mention some Secret Service investigating of your background). Assholes.


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