Monday, August 17, 2009

More right-wingers showing up armed at Obama events ... all in successful attempt to prove their embarrasing lack of penis girth and length

Let's take a ride in the wayback machine to the spring/summer of 2005 when George Bush and his Wall Street friends tried to convince America's elderly that Social Security (SS) was in "dire" need of salvation and that in order to reap that salvation it was necessary to make benefits cuts and allow seniors the Las Vegas option of investing a portion of their money into the stock market (anyone else blanching at the thought of how close this country's elderly safety net came to ruination by rejecting the 'private accounts' SS scam?).

Anyhow I recall there was quite a bit of spirited debate surrounding Bush's SS plans and in the end, an undeniable majority of America's seniors got their message across clear as day to Washington -- "keep your grubby, thieving hands off of our SS!" All fine and dandy.

For the life of me though, in the midst of that spirited debate and all of Bush's tightly controlled Town Hall meetings and "free speech zones" I cannot seem to recall any mouth-frothing, unruly liberal mobs storming those Bush Social Security forums, shouting down speakers and bullying and physically intimidating those with opposing viewpoints.

Nor can I remember any reported instances of progressive goons showing up outside those Bush town halls openly and menacingly strutting around showing off their loaded firearms. I wonder why that is?

Of course we all know the answer -- if any liberals/progressives had shown up at a Bush event packing heat, their fucking asses would still be sitting and rotting in Gitmo to this very day. The old adage IOKIYAR (It's OK If You're A Republican) comes screamingly to mind.

And as far as our worthless, inept mainstream media goes ... basically it just validates what most of us progressives have been saying for some time -- that there definitely is a double standard when it comes to the MSM's reporting on political dissent in this country -- liberal/progressive dissent = unpatriotic and America hating. Conservative dissent = the exact opposite.

Just saying . . .


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