Tuesday, September 09, 2008

GO f P - Grand Old fucking Pigs

Well now Senator Obama. I would say "them's fightin' words!"

If this horrible, sleazy McCain ad isn't proof enough that the phony maverick, John "I want change" McCain, has thrown his sorry lot in with the equally sleazy Karl Rove wing of the Republican party, I don't know what is.

Obama wants to teach sex education to kindergartners?? Does anyone with a shred of decency in their bodies or an ounce of intelligence in their brains actually believe that bullshit?? I know some people will believe it -- unquestioningly --- but god save this country's soul if a majority of people believe it.

And to this ad Obama and his people ought to say -- "alright - that's it - no more playing nice." There's an old saying, the exact words escape me at the moment -- but something about how you gotta get down in the mud to wrestle pigs. Obama and Joe Biden had better realize that no doubt about it, the GOP are pigs.

Sad to say though, this type of ad shouldn't be a shock to anyone who's closely followed politics for the past several years. In 2002 Georgia GOP pig Saxby Chambliss once put a television ad up against Democrat Max Cleland morphing video of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein into Cleland's picture. The inference was clear. Never mind the fact that Cleland had served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War, attaining the rank of Captain, had been awarded the Silver Star and the Bronze Star for valorous action in combat, including during the Battle of Khe Sanh on April 4th, 1968, and had also left 3 limbs in that war-torn country. Saxby Chambliss (like a typical GOP chickenhawk) sat out that war with a bum knee but like a true-blue GOP oinker, had the unmitigated gall to cast aspersions on Max Cleland's patriotism.

So in summary - the GOP pigs, just like they did to Max Cleland in 2002, and incidentally, also like they did to John Kerry in 2004, are going to stir up the mud-pit once again. They're going to throw every scummy, sleazy, childish, brutish muddy lie at Barack Obama and Joe Biden that they possibly can. It's all they have. They sure as fuck don't have any vision for bettering the lives of the majority of Americans. They're a bunch of soulless fucks who's true god is political power and who couldn't give a rat's goddamn ass about anyone but their small cadre of wealthy supporters and their corporate puppet/pay-masters.

I really, really, really hate these fuckers.


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