Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lies and the Lying Liars . . .

How do you know when a lie by a conservative has been confirmed to be just that - a lie? When the reliably conservative editorial page of the Wall Street Journal says so.

Sarah Palin and her political sugar daddy John McCain are carpet bombing the media with their asinine little "Bridge to Nowhere" lie and it's goddamn time somebody called them on it.

Here's a video clip of the honorable (hack, cough) Governor Palin just yesterday repeating the lie yet again. If she and McCain will lie through their teeth ad-nauseum about this issue, do people realistically believe that they'll be honest and forthright about other issues that impact many more Americans than just a handful of folks on an island in Alaska?

Acknowledging that Sarah Palin and John McCain are liars is the first step to making an informed and intelligent decision on election day.

Here's yesterday's clip:

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