Monday, September 08, 2008

Why does Sarah Palin hate America?

Trivia question.

Who said the following: "I'm . . . not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

Jeopardy theme song plays . . . . . times up. I'll tell you who it wasn't. It wasn't former Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright. It wasn't distant Obama acquaintance and former radical William Ayers. Nope. It was made by Joe Vogler - founder of the Alaska Independence Party. A secessionist political party that Sarah Palin's husband Todd Palin was an active member of and which Sarah Palin herself has promoted and spoken on behalf of.

Hey - you know what? I don't give a shit whether Sarah Palin has been playing footsy with a bunch of right-wing America haters. But tell me this - can anyone with an iota of fairness and objectivity in them imagine for a nano-second that there wouldn't be 24x7 virulent rage and demands for accountability directed at Barack Obama if it was discovered that he had associated with a radical political party, who's documented party platform advocates for the secession of the state where he resides from the United States of America, and who's founder has so openly declared his hatred of America?

Yeah - that's what I thought.

I hate to keep harping on this word called hypocrisy, but it seems to be a very contagious disease amongst conservatives in this country. And these are the same goddamn people who smugly try to claim sole ownership of patriotism every chance they get.

It isn't too late for reasonable minded people to take a very, long, hard look at what they'd be getting with a McCain/Palin administration -- four more years of Bush/Cheney style governing where secrecy and bald-faced contempt for the law, the constitution and the opinions of the American people rule the day.


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