Thursday, September 11, 2008

No Decent Internet Access In Your Area? Move To Slovenia . . .

Need to take a break from the sordid Sarah Palin coverage. Too damn depressing and infuriating.

Anyhow ----

This article caught my eye and it's an important one because it really captures the essence of the damage that 8 years of conservative and Bush/Cheney rule have done to this country.

We Americans like to pride ourselves on being the best at everything. Of course reality dictates that we cannot possibly be the best at all. Regardless, we do like to convince, mostly ourselves, if not the world, that we are #1 in all matters great and small.

But this article paints a very telling picture - one that underscores a harsh truth. It's a truth which demonstrates that while our glorious American leaders have been stomping around the world playing king of the hill with weak, tin-horn dictators and hide & go seek with ragged bands of bazooka-toting cave-dwellers, the rest of the sane, non-belligerent world has gone along on it's merry way to becoming our technological superiors.

Imagine the progress America could have made in all facets of the hi-tech industry these past 8 years if our boy King and his neo-con clown show hadn't wasted trillions of dollars on their amazing Iraq adventure, their predictably failed world-wide war on terrorism, and their myopic, greedy domestic economic policies.

If our dear smirking leader had only done the right thing and just focused on bringing the 9/11 perps to justice instead of wandering off into the sands of Mesopotamia and declaring world-wide war on every Allah Akbar screeching nut on the planet, all that effort, time, resources and money could have been spent here at home, not only upgrading our broadband infrastructure, but also our national security infrastructure, our transportation infrastructure, our healthcare and education infrastructure, our energy infrastructure, etc., etc., etc. . .

But no -- instead of making the list as being one of the top ten countries in the world for broadband quality and accessibility, we don't even make an honorable mention in the whole goddamn article. Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia -- SLOVENIA! for christ's sake! -- are all better than America.

And so in lieu of decent broadband service, and ready, affordable access to that broadband service for all our citizenry along with a healthy investment in America's bountiful wealth of hi-tech human resources with an eye towards the future, we instead get handed the bloody invoice for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republican party's collossal war-mongering fuck-ups and greedy deeds.

It really is all the more reason to put the Republican party, as it exists in it's current embodiment, out of it's wretched fucking misery come November 4th.


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