Thursday, April 02, 2009

April Fools -- Always Fools . . .

This story pretty much confirms everything I've been saying about the mental instability and intellectual handicap of the far right wingers for the past several years.

The level of gullibility, idiocy and hate for Obama that would be needed for people to believe that Obama would do something like this is astoundingly mind-numbing.

Btw -- I enjoy watching NASCAR -- to the extent that I'll quote George Carlin: "where else am I going to see a 23 car collision and not be in the sonofabitch?"

Anyhow, seeing the right-wing-tards go postal over an April Fool's joke like this is comedy you simply can't make up. Makes me almost (almost) want to take back statements wishing they'd disappear from existence. Upon reflection, perhaps it would be best to keep them around -- if anything for the comedic value they provide on a consistent basis.


P.S. --- Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

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