Thursday, July 23, 2009

RAND study bolsters Obama's warnings on consequences to the country of delaying Health Care reform

The RAND Corporation, hardly a bastion of commie-pinko, evil librul thought, has just released a study which pretty much confirms what Obama and saner folks have been saying all along --- namely that if something isn't done very, very soon to arrest the skyrocketing costs of health care in the United States, the people of this country can look forward to many years, perhaps decades of jobless "recovery" and stunted national economic growth. In other words a bleak future and shitty quality of life for the majority of Americans for years to come.

The picture painted in this study doesn't get any fucking starker than that people.

But - just try to have that serious conversation with your average conservative Republican (providing you can divert their attention away from Fox News for 5 minutes) and all you'll hear from their side is -- "but, but, but Obama was born in Kenya," or "socialized medicine will kill 20 million people," or "it's lies from the liberal media."

People need to start speaking out and taking sides. The choices are clear - progress and a better future for all Americans or obstinate status quo and the eventual deterioration of everything that makes this country the greatest on Earth.


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