Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Conservatives Suck: Chapter 1387 . . .

To answer Rick Sanchez's question -- is the woman in the video at Delaware Congressman Mike Castle's (R) town-hall meeting a "lone nut" for questioning the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate? Sadly -- no. She is one among many in a small faction of loud-mouthed, insanely ignorant nuts who are so blinded with irrational fear, anger and (omg - here it comes) yep - racial hatred, that no amount of documented, vetted evidence will ever convince them that their chosen brand of idiocy is on the same level as that of Bigfoot and Chupacabra believers.

Watching that part of the video clip where the "Birfer" nuts stand up in unison and start loudly chanting The Pledge Allegiance to drown out their Congressman's (actually rational) response sent a shiver down my spine. And it's the same kind of shiver I get when watching old World War 2 era newsreels of German citizens Seig Heiling Adolf Hitler and pledging allegiance to the Swastika. Some scary fucking people man.


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