Yahoo! right now has a headline up on their main page blaring: "Parents Angry Over Obama Speech!"
When you click on it, you go to the story which has a completely different, less bombastic headline.
Knowing, however, that Yahoo! gets it's news feeds from the very inept and oft biased Associated Press, that bit of journalistic chicanery didn't surprise me.
But I did and still do have a question about the main page headline: Which parents are angry? Where? So I decided to read the article.
Based on the content of the Yahoo! article, I'd be willing to wager a good sum of Simoleons that the parents who are the "angry" ones are quite likely the same ones who are of the belief that Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim who was born in Kenya, and is a communist sympathizing, terrorist appeasing, America hating, dirty fucking socialist hippie loving, scary black man, who wants to force socialized medicine on America so he can kill white folk's grandmas and disabled babies.
And then I saw it! About 3/4 of the way through the Yahoo! article, lo and behold, is a link to an Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel article discussing the same Obama speech and -- Oh my fucking god! -- just a quick perusal through the first couple of pages of reader comments is like reading the deranged crayon scribblings of a bunch of mentally disturbed, amped up on methamphetamine Archie Bunkers.
If I had to sum it all up in one concise description this would be the gist of their postings: "I don't want my child's beautiful mind indoctrinated by that good for nothing, communist sympathizing, terrorist appeasing, America hating, dirty fucking socialist hippie loving, scary black man, who's actually a Kenyan Muslim and is trying to kill my grandma and my babies with his healthcare death panels!"
There are times, honestly, when I fear for the future of my country. And it's almost always after reading about or seeing the conservative mob mentality mindset in action. Scarier yet, these people are procreating.
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