Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Zen of Dumb . . .

Glenn Beck thinks too hard and pops his pea-sized brain like a zit:

BECK: This is when he changes his name. He changes his name from Barry -- because he's trying to fit in as Barry. Then he meets Frank Marshall Davis. He then changes his name to Barack. Why? To make a statement. And to fit in.

Ummm -- just one tiny problem with your blindingly brilliant thesis there Glenn - you stupid fuck - Barack is Obama's birth name. Barry was a nickname he picked up during childhood and into his teen years. He never "purposefully" changed his name from Barry to Barack. But why ruin a good, lying Teabagger/Birther narrative - eh?

My muted appreciation of what attracts the lizard brains to Glenn Beck grows exponentially by the day.



Kaleokualoha said...

Good point! For more analysis of wingnut misrepresentation of the Davis-Obama relationship, read "Specific Misrepresentation" in the "Redbaiting Barack Obama" post at

krazeeinjun said...

I am contrite and profess profound regret for calling Glenn Beck a "stupid fuck." . . . . Ok - actually I'm not, but for the sake of civility and the survival of the human race let's just pretend so.

I don't mind if Beck and the other assklowns at Fox attack Obama on his policy proposals and governing decisions - it's their right and is to be expected in politics. What right-wing conservatives have done instead though is integrate those kinds of attacks with the dark art of personal destruction. And they do it because of the very simple fact that they cannot win the debate of minds and on the merit of the rationality of their arguments. Therefore the lizard brain takes over in them and thus you have the charges that Obama is a foreign, Kenyan-born Muslim who pals around with terrorists and is a fascist, commie pinko who wants to put all Republicans and conservatives in gulags and create a giant, liberal run socialist commune in America with his liberal government controlling all corporations and businesses and who flys around the world appeasing terror sponsoring nations and denigrating America at every turn.

That is the mindset I battle against and in my view it's a good battle and one for the very heart and soul of this great country.

Kleokualoha said...

I believe, however, that he has earned condemnation for his human rights policies, as documented by Glenn Greenwald.

krazeeinjun said...

I agree and am a fan of "Glennzilla." One of the biggest disappointments for me about Obama has been his continuation of some of the Bush administration's most egregious terrorism policies. The changes Obama has made have been narrow in scope and been offset by expansion in other areas. Obama's rhetoric on the subject simply isn't supported by his actions to date. Listen - I am by no means a lock-step Obama defender. The jury in my head and heart is still out on the man to be quite honest. Despite those doubts do I feel this country is much better off with he and Biden instead of McCain and Palin? Well -- let's put it this way -- McCain: "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran..." and Palin: "Death Panels!" So yeah .. things could definitely be worse.

Kaleokualoha said...

If I understand Greenwald correctly, the Obama administration claims the right to kill any terrorism suspect (American citizen or foreigner) overseas, and to detain any terrorism suspect indefinitely. Is this your understanding?

krazeeinjun said...

Yes. And Obama should be shamed for embracing that policy. It's arrogance on steroids and is a hallmark trait of what rallied the Progressive community against Bush. Obama is under a lot of pressure .... what's going to mark him in history as great president is his sloughing off that pressure and doing the right thing. Remains to be seen whether he's of that history making caliber.