Thursday, August 13, 2009

But, but, but krazee -- the cost!

Let's pretend for a moment that all of the screaming, apoplectic middle-aged and elderly white folks standing outside (and inside) the Democratic health care reform town hall meetings truly are troubled about the (potential) costs of health industry reform.

I've got a few simple questions if indeed the overriding concern of these people is how are we as a nation going to pay for it.

Why weren't these people standing outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue last year screaming and hollering and threatening when it had become clear (to those of us paying attention anyhow) that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had cracked open and robbed the nation's piggy bank to pay for the following:

Tax cuts that favored the wealthiest 2% of Americans?

Tax cuts for major corporations at the same time said corporations were outsourcing U.S. jobs overseas?

[Gee..wonder how those tax cuts worked out for the economy?]

The ill-advised and unnecessary Iraq invasion and occupation?

Afghanistan (now Obama's debacle)?

The bungled Global War on Terror?

Increased defense spending on Pentagon toys --- WMD's that don't work or will likely never be used (star wars laser; the F-22; FIA spy satellite, etc.)?

And where were these concern troll brigades as Bush handed over the keys to America's financial kingdom to former Goldman Sachs CEO and then Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to dole out like candy $700 billion unsupervised taxpayer dollars to the Wall Street robber barons and banksters after having spent the previous 8 years working hand in hand with the same crooks to loosen financial industry regulation and oversight?

Do the protesting wingnuts even know that under 8 years of Bush/Cheney stewardship America's national debt skyrocketed by $4.5 trillion? THAT'S TRILLION! THAT'S FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED BILLIONS!!!!!!

For all the fucking taxpayer money flushed down the toilet under Bush and Cheney, this country could have paid for free health care for every man, woman and child in this country for the next decade and we wouldn't have to be having this vitriolic debate about health care reform right now!!

Do these "birthers" and "death panelers" and "gun goons" even know about that? Do they goddamn care??

Yeah -- that's what I thought.

Here's a neat little chart I like to show my conservative friends when they go off on their pointless and fact-free "evil librul democrat" spending rants [click chart for large version]:

Anyone notice any obvious trends there since 1980? Hmmmmmm??

And this is why I am having a very, very difficult time trying to generate any level of personal sympathy or respect for these anti-health care reform mouth breathers and armchair accountants.


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