Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Creepshow - - The Sequel . . .

Chris Matthews: "Well, why did you bring a gun to a Presidential event today?"

Chris - I'll save you the time and effort of trying to get a sensible answer to that very important question - and I'll preface it by stating that the answer has absolutely nothing to do with the myriad interpretations of the 2nd Amendment.

The truth and crux of this specific matter simply is this: Right-wing rubes like this Wyatt Earp wannabe are, quite frankly, woefully incapable of civilly articulating their positions on any subject of complexity and substance - - such as the health care debate. And so, to make up for their intellectual and social shortcomings, and (I believe in cases such as this one - their small penises), the ass-hats like this dullard instinctively regress psychologically into the cocoon of their neanderthal, lizard-brain nature, pound their chests with fury, bellow loudly, bully more passive individuals and employ macho imagery related to the use of weaponry and acts of violence - all in a bestial attempt to express their views and feel good about themselves (and become sexually stimulated).

Now -- setting aside my thorough and on-the-money psychoanalysis of why Yosemite Sam here thought it was a wonderful idea to come strapped with heat to a Presidential speech about Health Care -- I have to say -- something else is really gnawing at me -- and I think it's the fact that these people are truly beginning to fucking creep me out.


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