Monday, August 10, 2009

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some are beginning to abuse the privilege. . .

Listen -- I understand that Fox (for whatever reason) feels the need to play the media role of the deranged Uncle living in the basement. However, in order to bolster that image of their network, do they seriously feel compelled to showcase actual mentally disturbed people on their "news" shows as "spokespeople" for their political causes? Really??

Well -- considering what's transpired the past few weeks what with the right claiming Obama was born in Kenya, and health care reform is going to make soylent green crackers out of grampa, grandma and baby Dumpling, "death panels", etc. -- is it any wonder then that the natural progression of such idiocy now has some clown going on national teevee claiming that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer sent thugs to his house in the middle of the night to threaten his children's lives? Holy Fuck! Somebody needs to start coordinating a headcount of America's insane asylums man. It's obvious our big national village is missing a whole lot of it's idiots.

Frank Zappa was right when he stated, "There is more stupidity around than hydrogen and it has longer shelf life."


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